How to be Thin, Tan & Rich in 4 hours
By Michael KlineAs published in Conway Daily Sun
When you start a new job, your employer teaches you their systems. Experience has proven these methods produce the results they
want with predictability. Never mind that many businesses need to create more and better systems. Let us imagine you went to work for a well-funded, progressive, brilliantly staffed and professional company with excellent systems. Perhaps you could imagine that you bought a franchise with the same qualities and every franchise that has implemented th
In all of life, do the same principles not apply? There are principles (systems) by which we live, that when practiced in a dedicated fashion, any person can produce predictable results. We teach children the value of doing their homework, and they get good results. Most adults do not do their own homework. We teach children to keep
trying, to believe in themselves. When applied, this principle produces achievement and self-esteem. Adults seldom believe this about themselves, beyond the comfort of what they already have proven they can do. We teach children to be kind to one another, and as a result, others will be kind to them and they will be happy, positive people not hung up on the small stuff. As adults, we keep saying we want people to be kind. By that, we mean we want other people to be kind to us. Mostly we are often unkind to ourselves, being self-critical and/or not taking care of ourselves, and this drives much of the unkindness to others as we protect our turf, fight for credit and compete for attention and love. Somehow, we find it hard to be motivated to use these simple “systems” taught to us as children. Perhaps we do not deserve them or we’ve been disappointed so many times we’ve lowered our sights.
Teachers, employers or franchisors hold us accountable and coach us to success. The lack of accountability and self-discipline is one of the biggest contributors to failure in business, health, relationships and a life less fully lived.
It makes sense to take advantage of proven systems. This removes some of the risk and fear of inventing your own wheel, and launches you on the fast track for success. You could apply the same thinking to every aspect of your life.
Let us say that your goal is to create some wealth, good health and positive relationships, to engage in meaningful work and be able to contribute to your community. Sign me up! There are systems for all of these. When you have some control over your life, you reduce stress, improve health, create wealth, improve self-esteem, decrease ego, improve relationships, feel more positive… is there a pattern here? You already have that control, but are you using it? By the way, it does not matter if you are just starting out or an accomplished millionaire with a thriving family, it is relative and the tools for pursuing life mastery remain the same.
My first self-improvement training program was Brian Tracy’s Psychology of Achievement from the 1980’s. Dozens of genius-trainers later, I am now studying directly under Jack Canfield, as I see him as the master of creating user-friendly, practical training for life success. Maybe you prefer Tony Robbins or Wayne Dyer, or someone more or less spiritual, etc. It doesn’t matter. I promise they all carry essentially the same wisdom. The proven systems for living a great life have not changed through the ages. Our environments have changed. Modern gurus can help us apply the wisdom to our current circumstances.
These are lessons we study over a lifetime, but we have to start somewhere and we need to take action sometime. If not now, then when? I suggest a good time and place to start would be Friday June 13th, at Granite State College. I will be teaching a half-day introductory workshop, based largely on Jack Canfield’s Success Principles. I am doing this as part of my training program, so I’m happy to work for free. The only cost is $39 per person to cover the room, refreshments and material. Details and registration are on my website listed below. Learn the systems. Work the systems. Live the life you want.
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